For an overview of the ASAP dataset, please see:
Yackee, Jason Webb and Susan Webb Yackee. 2021. “The American State Administrators Project: A New 50-State, 50-Year Data Resource for Scholars.” Public Administration Review, 81: 558-563. View near final version
Researchers may also be interested in other articles that have used the ASAP data across time. Below is a selected list of those publications. We encourage your citation of these academic articles, as well as others using the ASAP data.
Smith, Natalie, and Susan Webb Yackee. “A New Measure of Agency Policy Discretion.” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Forthcoming. [See FAQ page for how to request the Discretion Scores variable.]
Yackee, Susan Webb. 2023. “Ideological Extremism and the Growth Aspirations of U.S. Agencies.” Public Administration Review, 83: 1785-1797.
Palus, Christine Kelleher and Susan Webb Yackee. 2022. “When Does the Multiple Principals Hypothesis Hold? The Politics of U.S. Agency Policymaking Autonomy.” Governance, 35: 43-64.
Arapis, Theodore and Cynthia Bowling. 2020. “From Maximizing to Minimizing: A National Study of State Bureaucrats and Their Budget Preferences.” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. 30: 144–160.
Palus, Christine and Susan Webb Yackee. 2016. “Clerks or Kings? Partisan Alignment and Delegation to the U.S. Bureaucracy.” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. 26: 693-708. [Winner of the 2017 Beryl Radin Award for best article published in JPART.]
Palus, Christine Kelleher and Susan Webb Yackee. 2013. “Oversight as Constraint or Catalyst? Explaining Agency Influence on State Policy Decision-Making.” American Review of Public Administration. 43: 273-91.
Brudney, Jeffrey L. and Deil S. Wright. 2010. “The ‘Revolt in Dullsville’ Revisited: Lessons for Theory, Practice, and Research from the American State Administrator Project, 1964 to 2008.” Public Administration Review. January/February: 26-37.
Jacobson, Willow, Christine Kelleher Palus, and Cynthia J. Bowling. 2010. “A Woman’s Touch? Gendered Management and Performance in State Administration.” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. 20: 477-504.
Palus, Christine Kelleher and Susan Webb Yackee. 2009. “A Political Consequence of Contracting: Organized Interests and State Agency Decision-Making.” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. 19: 579-602.
Ryu, Jay Eungha, Cynthia J. Bowling, Chung-Lae Cho, and Deil S. Wright. 2008. Exploring explanations of state agency budgets: Institutional budget actors or exogenous environment? Public Budgeting and Finance. 28: 23–47.
Ryu, Jay Eungha, Cynthia J. Bowling, Chung-Lae Cho, and Deil S. Wright. 2007. Effects of administrators’ aspirations, political principals’ priorities, and interest groups’ influence on state agency budget requests. Public Budgeting and Finance. 27: 22–49.
Kelleher, Christine A. and Susan Webb Yackee. 2006. “Who’s Whispering in Your Ear? The Influence of Third Parties Over State Agency Decisions.” Political Research Quarterly. 59: 629-643.
Bowling, Cynthia J., Christine A. Kelleher, Jennifer Jones, and Deil S. Wright. 2006. “Cracked Ceilings, Firmer Floors, and Weakening Walls: Trends and Patterns in Gender Representation among Executives Leading American State Agencies, 1970-2000. Public Administration Review. November/December: 823-836.
Cho, Chung-Lae, Christine A. Kelleher, Deil S. Wright, and Susan Webb Yackee. 2005. “Translating National Policy Objectives into Local Achievements Across Multiple Planes of Governance and Among Multiple Actors: Second-Order Devolution and Welfare Reform Implementation.” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. 15: 31-54.
Bowling, Cynthia. J., Chung-Lae Cho, and Deil S. Wright. 2004. Establishing a continuum from minimizing to maximizing bureaucrats: State agency head preferences for governmental expansion—a typology of administrator growth postures, 1964–98. Public Administration Review. 64: 489– 99.
Bowling, Cynthia. J. and Margaret R. Ferguson. 2003. “Divided Government, Interest Representation, and Policy Differences: Competing Explanations of Gridlock in the Fifty States.” Journal of Politics. 63: 182-206.
Herbert, F. Ted, Deil S. Wright, and Jeffrey L. Brudney. 1992. “Challenges to State Governments: Policy and Administrative Leadership in the 1990s.” Public Productivity & Management Review. 16: 1-21.