Government Reform

The ASAP data contain a rich set of resources on federal-state relations and the role of government reform in state agency practice.
For example, the ASAP data show how government reforms impact relationships between national and state governments, and how agency leaders view and depend on those reform efforts.

File: ASAP-Govt-Reform.pdf

Government Contracting

The ASAP data contain a rich set of resources on federal-state relations and the role of government contracting instate agency practice.
For example, the ASAP data show how contracting impacts relationships between national and state governments, and how agency leaders view and depend on government contracting.
The figures presented here illustrate just a small selection of the topics and data included in the ASAP dataset. With thousands of individual responses to dozens of questions concerning a variety of topics (including other questions on contracting and federal-state relations),the ASAP dataset provides an unparalleled resource for scholars across a variety of fields, including public administration, political science, public policy, and law.

File: ASAP-Contracting.pdf